Record growth drives new milestones.
[Atomico] Europe is firmly positioned as a global tech player in 2021, with a record $100B of capital invested, 98 new unicorns, and the strongest ever startup pipeline, now on par with the US. European tech is creating value at its fastest pace, adding $1 trillion in just 8 months. While geographical differences in maturity level remain, talent mobility and distributed success is powering newer hubs.
Investing in Europe is more attractive and dynamic than ever: VC has become the leading funding mechanism for entrepreneurs, but to stay competitive, VCs have to keep innovating. As the opportunity set matures, global investors are doubling down: from seed rounds to public markets, there are now more international investors and buyers active in Europe. While investors across the board have more conviction in European tech, pension funds still lag behind on their allocation to tech.
Europe continues to produce more tech IPOs than the US, $1B+ IPOs are becoming the norm, and record-breaking exit activity reached an astonishing $275B in deal value.
More at the State of European Tech link.